I realize there is nothing like the feel of a book in your hands, the paper crinkling, being able to dog ear the corner to save your place, the musty smell of an old tomb tickling your nose and the journey to a bookstore to find your newest treasure. Truly the experience can't be duplicated and is completely opposite of the kindle experience. For this reason I can never give up printed books completely but I've limited my purchases to older out of print or hard to find editions and a signed book by a favorite author isn't something you can have on a kindle. I'm a frequent in used books stores or even library book stores. I love stopping at independently owned bookstore that look quaint and comfy too. I can spend hours perusing their selections.
Here's a link to view an awesome assortment of independently owned book stores in England. Some would be fun to explore - Independent UK Bookstores
However, my kindle provides so much more then I ever hoped or imagined. I download an exuberant numbers of free books and discounted books by my favorite authors. I'm constantly offered the opportunity to read from a selection of newly published authors from all genres for free and the daily deals are amazing (if you look toward the bottom of my blog page there is a link to the Kindle Daily Deal). I also have approximately 1,063 books on my kindle. I still have 2,189 MG available (of 3000 MG total) and I've had my kindle for about a year. I can organize my books however I want which makes searching for something to read quick and easy. Anything can be archived or deleted and all books can be linked to my other devices. I no longer lug a bag of books around because I don't know what I'm going to feel like reading! Maybe a rolling bookshelf would have been just the thing for me but it certainly doesn't look feasible! LOL!
The only down fall of the Kindle Keyboard is there is no back light but I'm more then willing to overlook the deficiency to have this particular kindle. There are models that have this feature. At the time I selected my kindle I didn't have Internet at home and my kindle was my birthday gift from my family, to this day I would still choose the same model. I can go online anywhere with the free 3G and when at home I have it set to automatically connect with my wi-fi if I want to check the kindle store, download any books or surf the web. I wanted the kindle to read, not to play games or watch movies or anything like that. I love having the keyboard and I love the look of the pages - it's crisp and has many adjustment features for your taste!
My family jokingly calls my kindle - Kelly's Husband because I'm in love with it, I never leave home without it and I probably like it more then some people like their mates. kindle never talks back and I don't have to clean up after it! ;)
Here are links for two daily emails I receive that feature discounted and free books for kindles:
Dining Downloads - Food & Cooking
Pixel of Ink
Kindle Fire
Kindle Paperwhite
All I can think of now is curling up in bed with my kindle and reading until I fall asleep. Tonight I'm starting a new book by Dorothy McFalls called The Marriage List. Right now it's free on Amazon.
"Mischief Managed" ~ Kelly
“She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.”
― Louisa May Alcott, Work: A Story of Experience
― Louisa May Alcott, Work: A Story of Experience
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